6 Informative YouTube Channels To Check Out

Interesting Informative YouTube Channels
Written by Tasya

YouTube is a huge part of the modern life where one might use it to watch music videos, movie trailers, or even videos by content creators from across the world. While many of them may seem all fun and games, there are also channels that could help you ace that test or give more information on weird and wonderful stuff. Today we have compiled six channels that we highly recommend you check out!

If you need to ace that exam: Crash Course

It can be pretty hard to pay attention in school; you always seem too tired, the class started too early, and there are just other things that grab your interest more than the subjects. We can count many times where it’s near exam time, but we barely understand anything and the panic starts to set in. Worry not because true to its name, Crash Course provides crash courses for school subjects.

From common subjects such as biology and engineering, to even move history. The videos discuss the subjects per chapter, so if you are only confused about a certain parts of the subject, you can head directly to a certain video instead of having to sit through an hour-long one. Each video is around 12 minutes featuring catchy music, fun animations, and of course, an upbeat host. I mean, if Hank Green is teaching you biology, how could you be bored?

If you want to know more about science and eventual fate of the world: Kurzgesagt

What is a wormhole? What would happen if you detonate a nuclear bomb in the Mariana’s trench? Do robots deserve rights?

If you like science fiction, Kurzgesagt would be a great fit for you. This channel makes science look beautiful with its vibrant and cute animations, as well as concise explanations. Not only that, most of the topics discussed here is what science fiction is made of: robots, aliens, black holes, ageing, and more.

If you are going to college and would like to know more about the college life: Crimson Education

Crimson Education channel provides an insight for college life and career pathways, that could help you in making decisions and prepare you for that part of your life. Their series, A Day In the Life, is one of their most famous videos as it follows the life of college students from different majors and universities. From the most coveted one such as Harvard medical student, to international ones like Hokkaido University and Seoul National University. Not only giving insight, they also provide consultations for scholarships and college applications.

If you like to educate yourself more on different topics: TED-ED

Why some birds can fly while others don’t? Is the legend of King Arthur real? Why don’t poisonous animals poison themselves? What is the Cambodian myth of rain?

The world is so full of wonders and questions, and some of them are not so easy to answer. Ted-ED is one of the most popular educational channel because they give informative answers with beautiful animation from various contributors. The videos encompass a wide variety of fields, from science, history, to cultures. Each videos are not long either, only 3-5 minutes which make them perfect even if you don’t have the time.

If you like to listen to inspiring people from different perspective: TED

Arguably one of YouTube’s most famous channel, TED creates conferences all around the world where the speakers are individuals and communities that have ideas worth sharing. They then shares the speakers’ session on their YouTube video, where you could listen to their ideas and get inspired too. Their videos are around 15-20 minutes and an inspiring way to start your day.

If you want to dive into pop culture conspiracy theory: supercarlinbrothers

Months later, Infinity War still drives Marvel fans and casual movie goes alike crazy on how it will impact the Avengers 4 movie. There are tons of theories out there, some crazy and others make perfect sense. SuperCarlinBrothers is one of the many accounts that discuss these theories, but what I love about them is how they deliver it. They give a background story, the theory, and what they think about it. Not a Marvel person? This channel also discussed other fan theories from other fandoms, such as Harry Potter, Pixar, and Star Wars.

Any other suggestions? Tell us in the comments below!

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